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IKIGAI SCENT Signature Essential Oil Blend 10mL

IKIGAI SCENT Signature Essential Oil Blend 10mL

Regular price Rp 81.000,00
Regular price Rp 158.000,00 Sale price Rp 81.000,00
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(FLOWERY, CALMING, DEEP-SLEEP) Ikigai's Signature Essential Oil Blend is a harmonious blend of selected pure essential oils, including Green Tea, Lavender, and Sandalwood. It creates a refreshing floral aroma that is both gentle and soothing, designed to promote relaxation and deep, restful sleep.

Proudly a local brand, Ikigai delivers essential oils that meet international ISO standards and are Therapeutic Grade. This oil is completely pure, with no added fragrances or artificial chemicals.

Product features

Ukuran: 10 mL
Berat: 10 gr

Diameter: 3 cm
Tinggi: 6 cm

Kandungan : Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum), dan Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)

Product uses

- Menenangkan pikiran
- Membantu tidur lebih nyenyak
- Rileksasi tubuh
- Meningkatkan daya ingat
- Menurunkan kecemasan (anxiety)
- Mengharumkan, menyegarkan, dan menjernihkan udara
- Sebagai Antibakteri alami

How it works

- Dapat dihirup secara langsung
- Dituangkan ke dalam bathtub (dengan tambahan carrier oil)
- Diuapkan melalui Diffuser Elektrik (4 tetes untuk ukuran 100 mL Diffuser)
- Dihirup melalui uap dari Essential Oil yang diteteskan kedalam mangkok air panas

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ricky Julius
One of the best essential oil ❤️

Calming and relaxing