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Pure Naphthalene Ball / Kamper / Kapur Barus 250g

Pure Naphthalene Ball / Kamper / Kapur Barus 250g

Regular price Rp 33.500,00
Regular price Rp 42.000,00 Sale price Rp 33.500,00
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Known for its ability to eliminate unpleasant odors and repel insects, Kamper by Kimiamart® is formulated with 99% active ingredient Naphthalene, which is highly effective, and blended with a premium fragrance that is gentle and refreshing. This aroma does not contain overly sweet scents like fruit or floral fragrances, but rather offers a delicate, clean, and luxurious scent.

For exclusive user guide by Kimiamart®, click here.

Product features

Nama produk: Kimiamart® Pure Naphthalene Ball / Kamper / Kapur Barus 250g

Nama lain: Kamper / Kapur Barus / Naphthalene Balls / Naftalena / Camphor

Bentuk: Tablet

Berat: 250g

Kemasan: Resealable standing pouch

Product uses

Kamper dapat digunakan untuk:

1. Mengusir hewan-hewan penganggu seperi tikus dan kecoak.
2. Mencegah bau tidak sedap pada ruangan seperti kamar mandi.

How it works

Beberapa cara penggunaan Kamper

Sebagai pengharum kamar mandi
1. Siapkan pewangi pakaian dan wadah kecil.
2. Masukkan 5-8 tablet Kamper ke dalam wadah.
3. Tuangkan pewangi pakaian hingga Kamper terendam.
4. Letakkan di sudut ruangan kamar mandi.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Muhammad Rizki

Cara pakainya tinggal taburin doang
baunya juga ngga nusuk di hidung